Dutch Championship to be held in Emmen

The General Dutch Draughts Championship will be played from April 9th – 17th in the bridgebuilding of Emmen townhall. In this tournament, the strongest twelve draughtsplayers will fight for the title of Dutch Champion. The Royal Dutch Draughts Federation (Koninklijke Nederlandse Dambond or KNDB) is responsible for the largest part of the organization. The municipality of Emmen consults an facilitates the tournament.

Gezienes Evenhuis, alderman of sports, is very proud to see the municipality of Emmen once again manage to get a high quality sporting event to Emmen. The municipality has a high regard for the draughts sport. Roel Boomstra of Emmen gave a boost to this sentiment when he last year debuted in the Dutch Championship as the youngest debutant ever after Harm Wiersma and Ton Sijbrands.

April becomes draughts month


During the month of April, life in Emmen will be centered around draughts. Primary school teachers this month will give extra attention to draughts in their classes. Ton Sijbrands, twofold worldchampion draughts and worldchampion blind simultaneous draughts will compete with the Emmen pupils.

Bridgebuilding remains accessible

During the tournament the bridgebuilding will continue to function as the connection between the Customer Contact Center and the offices of townhall. The municipality provides the required security services and will do everything in its power to minimize noises during the games so that the players can focus their attention on draughts.
